An 8 week programme combining classroom and workshop training sessions with work placements in local manufacturing businesses. Trainees will gain qualifications in welding and health and safety (subject to meeting the required standard of work) and also study towards English and Maths qualifications. (EAL Level 1 Award in Introductory Welding Skills, NCFE Level 1 Health and Safety)
Who can apply?
The programme is open to applications from those wishing to learn and experience engineering manufacturing with an emphasis on welding. Applicants will need to attend a selection interview and demonstrate an enthusiasm for the programme and be able to work in a factory setting. Applicants must be between 16 and 24 years of age.
When does the programme run?
Places are limited with the first group starting at the end of November/early December attendance at CEATA will be 2 days per week and 2 days per week on placement, anyone who is not able to attend ALL the days will not be considered, requests for time off from the programme will not be approved.
Is there a salary?
No. There are grants and schemes which may contribute towards attendance and travel costs but these vary depending on home address. Please ask for details.
Progression onto engineering apprenticeships is possible from the programme and CEATA will work with successful candidates to secure suitable employment.
Health and Safety
The programme requires working in engineering environments which can be dangerous if regulations and instructions aren’t followed. CEATA have a no tolerance policy of any infringement of H&S and candidates will be withdrawn immediately if all guidance is not followed.
CEATA only plan to offer 12 places on traineeships over the next 9 months, this is an excellent opportunity to learn about engineering and move on to an apprenticeship.
Click here to apply online!